Monday, October 4, 2010


week 24. a week of firsts. Harlow is oh so close to 6months old and progressing at a rate that shocks me. this past week was nothing short of an indicator of how fast she is growing.

FIRST TEEF. not one by TWO teef popped up. they are jagged and sharp like razer blades. and they're going to be oh so cute. they are the two bottom ones in the middle. the white just popped up from the gums and they are coming up to full size fast. they're also super cute. no pictures yet. she is not keene to letting us see them. you can usually only see them when she is wailing. and while we have lots of cute wailing pictures - it just seems cruel. ha! pictures sopon enough, promise!

FIRST FOOD. we gave her avocado on Tuesday. she liked it okay. she was more shocked by it than anything. and she really just wanted to play with the spoon. she made the best faces everytime we put it in her mouth. and while she wasn't super excited about it, she did cry when we finally took it away. we gave it to her every day last week. and then, because she wasn't pooping, we gave her the tiniest bit of prune juice. boy was that a hit! all smiles and grabbing for the bowl/spoon. we followed up her week of food with the standard rice cereal last night for dinner. that is generally what people seem to start with. and i can see why because Hlow loved the rice cereal. it was super bland but she thought it was the bees knees. here is my favorite pic of her eating the avocado. i think this picture pretty much sums it up.

FIRST SHOES. Harlow wore her first pair of shoes on Sunday. they were a nice worn in pair of leather booties with wool lining. second hand score for a yard sale. while they were a bit too big for her feet, they were a bit too tight for her chunky little legs!

FIRST CRAWL - ATTEMPT. and this morning she got up on all fours - knees and hands - and tried to scoot forward. what? a first crawl? the best thing about it is that she didn't move her hands or knees at all...she just moved her belly for a while and tried to almost jump her way forward. is she going to crawl already? i hope not. our 220 year old farm house is not ready for a crawler!


  1. Wow! How exciting! We are waiting for Theo to turn 6 months before starting solids as well. We think next weekend will be his first go at it. We are thinking rice cereal or squash... not sure yet. Any thoughts?

    It is a bit sad that we won't be the only food source for them once they have solids. We grew them thus far, now food will aid in the new growth ;(

  2. oh, Kim, i hate that i am not the only source of food nowadays. i do. it was a really difficult transition. if my milk supply hadn't dwindled, we would have kept her solely breastfed for much longer. but going back to work really threw a wrench into our plans and to my production. in an atempt to asvoid formula at all costs - the food was introduced. i was really sad about it. but it seems to be going really well.

    that transition made me think about the fact that i will one day have to mourn the entire loss of me fedding her. i can't even imagine. my sister is going through that now. i can only imagine how hard that is.
