Wednesday, December 30, 2009

more baby fashion!!!

i have enough baby clothes to post pictures all week long. man, this kid is already more fashionable than me (not that that is difficult). so here comes batch #2.

for the baby Aries from Alex.

for the country baby in training. GET OUT, it's too cute. it even has elbow patches. from Coya, Nina, and IRX.

more country style. well, more like hipster country style. from Nakkers.

what any baby made in Vermont needs! from Cara & jen.

sporty baby! the hat is from Papa Ashman and the socks are from Aunt Brit Brit.

because Alex is a hippy.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

as promised, baby fashion!

also known as "why i am having baby in the first place."

we are blessed with the most amazing friends & family that a duo could ever even think about having. not because they give us amazing baby clothes but because we love them - aha. below is a sampling of the amazing baby fashion we have thus far. don't mind my blurry pics, i clearly wasn't paying attention when i took them. probably dreaming of hot peppers and milk. more clothing pics to come!

bought these for myself this past summer when jen was visiting. we both loaded up on baby clothes that we just don't need but really wanted. these ones are made from bamboo.

then i got a little carried away last week and bought these gems. how does one resist gold boot/sock things? no more baby clothes shopping for me!!!

an owl onesie from Alex!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hand emroidered by DJ Reaganomix (of course).

toys, toys, and toys

i have already decided that i am going to be the mean mama that doesn't allow my kids to have any toys. that being said, bring on the books and streamlined/modern toys!!! oh, and anything handmade or second hand is always welcome too. go green! which leads me to these gems from our amazing pals...

made by none other than Chicago's famous Lez Bo Bo the Clown...

with love from Nakkers...

The Sparrow's first book. it had to be about Brooklyn, of course! from Linder and Kate...

country style from jen and Cara...

and Christmas love from The Banana and Erin...

Monday, December 28, 2009

crib (what do you know, it's called The Sparrow)

i'm back and promise to keep up with the blogging. our friends have been ridiculous and sent us the most amazing baby clothes in the world - so i shall update soon with a post of the AshmanLisAshman baby fashion. until then, WE GOT OUR CRIB!!!

after months and months of researching (Gen) all of the crib safety issues, we narrowed in on organic. organic = expensive. but all of the modern cribs that you buy in stores are made up with glue full of formaldehyde. CA is the only smarty smart state that even talks about the toxins in cribs. it's nuts! needless to say, we have been scouring Craig's List trying to find a good organic crib or a non-organic crib that is old enough so that the toxins are gassed off but still safe enough for today's standards.

this morning i stumbled upon heaven. the Oeuf crib (my dream come true) usually costs $1,000 or more. i found it on Craig's List in excellent condition this morning for $230. so, we are heading to Manhattan this Sunday to pick it up. perfect timing to say hi to Linder & Kate anyhow.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


i have been sick sick sick sick sick sick for far too long. i am still not 100% but am starting to feel better. i may now actually have interest in this pregnancy afterall. so - colors!

i started thinking of colors today. my initial thought is teal with stark white walls. dark wood furniture. orange accents.

what else? yeah, that'd about it for now.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

the background

we inseminated on July 18th in Barton VT. we were there for a week for Heather and Tin's 10 year anniversary and party. also known as the "yay! we'll probably be together forever" party. it was pretty much the most perfect week ever. so glad that that is when baby AshmanLisAshman was concieved. it was so wonderful to have our Chicago family there and have everyone's amazing energy. i also blaim Ida Rocket Zoomsai for us conceiving in the first place. she is just too darn cute. over a week of "camping", boating, dancing, flippy cup, ritual, love, nature, water, friends, and family made it the most perfect conception place of all time.

however, i also figured that there was no way i could possibly be pregnant considering that the sperm had to travel over 2,020+ miles to reach us. i also had a lot of cramping the week prior to finding it. then, on August 1st, the test was positive. maybe baby no more.

the due date is April 10, 2010. i'm not sure i'm going to last that long since i'm only 6 weeks in and i am already soooooo sick.

wish us luck! the long journey begins.

move over...

...Nina, Coya, and IRX. we're stealing your thunder and copying your blog. i only hope ours is half as cute as yours.
