Monday, February 28, 2011

an update in pictures

my big girl. just two months until she turns one. she looks like such a kid already. what a charmer.

Amy and Ali got her a suit for Christmas. i took the clip on tie from the suit and added a newsie hat. smitten. she looks just like her Papa!

we went swimsuit shopping with Jess and Shannon. this green number is Harlow's first suit. she has since received one with a pink ruffle skirt from Grammie. so stylish she will be this summer!

the last time i visited my folks, i found a box of baby clothes that i had bought in the early 80s for my Cabbage Patch Kid to wear. score for Harlow! what kid doesn't want to wear a pink leisure suit from the 80s?

i bought some hair things to try and keep her hipster hair out of her eyes. seriously?

another attempt at keep the hair back. but more importantly, urgh, that profile!

Thursday, February 17, 2011


i haven't uploaded any pictures recently. so here are two cell phone pics of the little monkey. i still find myself looking at pictures of her all the time at work, when she is sleeping, when i am out...i am just as smitten as day one. in fact, it only gets more and more so.

just thought i would update quick today. Hbomb said "book" last night for the first time. so she now has a lovely little repertoire of words.

  • boooo = book
  • duuu = duck
  • maaaa = milk
  • muuuu = moo
  • pa pa pa = puff
  • mamamamamamamamamama = mama

she is also very soon to start walking. she takes three steps at a time now before falling at me. it's pretty shocking and amazing. and she is so very proud of herself when she does. swoon.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

quickie update

toof #5 popped through. she had her two bottom teef...then a top fang popped out. it was great when it was by itself for a few days. but then the middle one came in and now the other middle one. five little teef. so dang cute.

she has relearned how to sign "more." yay! although she still interchanges with clapping because they pretty much get her the same thing.

bigger update to come.