Monday, June 14, 2010

charming the pants off inanimate objects

as i sit her typing this, Harlow has just woken up from a nap. she was asleep in her "lamby" chair which has a mirror hanging above it. she woke up and immedietely started smiling at herself in the mirror. she is just sitting there smiling at herself over and over again. speaking of which, her new thing is charming inanimate objects. it all started with a pile of stuffed animals in her crib. she doesn't sleep in there yet but i layed her down so that i could go through her clothes last week. when i checked on her she was just charming the pants off those animals. smiles and eyebrow raises and all sorts of dapper looks. she has since moved on from animals to the side of her stroller. man, she loves that orange canvas. she could smile at it for days.

went to Brooklyn for the weekend to visit Linder and Kate. it was her first trip since being in the belly and she loved it. she was such a good girl - even sleeping 7 hours each night. she was a tropper. made it through some fancy dinners out and walked all up and down the burg.

pictures from week 8. i cannot believe she is two months old already!

Monday, June 7, 2010

chunk a chunk and the love of routine

our baby is a chunk a chunk a chunk. she hadn't been weighed since her one month doctor's appointment. this morning after baby & mama yoga, i stopped upstairs to the breastfeeding group to weigh her in. she is eight weeks old and weighs in at 12lbs and 1oz. no joke = 12.1!!! our baby is a giant. she weighs the same as her buddy, Theo. Theo weighed almost 3lbs more than her at birth. man o man, she is the cutest little chunker. here is some proof.

oh, and in that picture she is wearing a GroBaby cloth diaper. she finally fits into them. i had tried weeks ago and the poop slid right out the leg hole. but i tried again this past weekend and they fit like a glove. we went all cloth as of Saturday and we are super happy. admittedly, i was scared to start because it does seem overwehelming. but it's actually super easier. possibly easier than the disposable?! they're super comfy on her, better for the environment, waaaaay cheaper, and cute as hell. here is another style.

Harlow has become a smiling fool. and there is nothing better in the world than baby smiles. she is so responsive and alert and funny. she has started to "talk" back to us too. it's just the sweetest thing. she is testing things in her mouth now and trying really hard to make her hands work rather than just flailing around. she loves to look at toys and out the windows. she also loves to go on walks. here she is testing her daddy's finger with her mouth.

i have to go back to work in July. the more i think about it, the more sad i get. i never thought that i would want to be a stay at home mom...but now that i think about going back, it breaks my heart. can't we be like other countries and have a year off for maternity leave? i feel like Harlow and i are just starting to get into a groove together. i know what she wants before she even knows she wants it. we have a schedule of great classes/groups/friends that we see every week. and we're working on learning about the world together. i hate to think that i will be back at work and losing touch with what she is doing/experiencing/learning each day. urgh, it just breaks my heart.

i few pictures of her 7th week on this earth...