just a few weeks shy of two. so grown up. still so stinky. and so incredibly sweet/thoughtful/funny/cute/loving/and on and on and on.
she went pee pee on the potty twice the other night. the very first time at Jess, Shan, and Laura's apartment. then again when we got home. she was a late bloomer in the pee pee on the potty movement. i hope it sticks! she was a bit terrified but also pretty dang proud.
her personality gets funnier and funnier. she tells me my shoes/jewels/bags are GORGEOUS all the time. i think she is pretty dang goregeous myself.
we are besties that go out together a lot. in fact. we had sushi together, just us gals, twice last week. she is a highly entertaining conversationalist. plus, she shares her sake with me.
we're still pretty anal about her food. this kid eats like a king. although now and again we give her a wee bit of sugar. she had a little icecream sundae the other day for the first time. the funny part is that she was WAY more interested in the big kid cup of water than the actual icecream. i suppose we're doing something right in those regards. my coworkers make fun of me and say that she is going to be the odd kid out in school but i'm pretty sure in this neck of the woods the kids eatting crap foods are the odd kids out. privledged judgment much?
we finally got snow this month. funny. the idea of snow was much more exciting then the actuality of snow. poor kid.
what else? oh. this kid is happy. happy happy happy.
and handsome. she is pretty dang handsome. just like her Papa.
Wahoo Hlow!! and yea for April birthdays =)