Monday, April 30, 2012

Harlow's Room

we created Harlow's nursery bedroom over 2.5 years ago. i just realized that in all that time, i never bothered to post the pictures of her room. why? i guess i was busy. but we also never "finished" the room and i didn't want to post the pictures until it was actually finished. we got close. i just never found the perfect throw rug. who cares, right? we also never hung the 3D white flowers that we bought...or finished hanging the flowers from the tree on the wall behind her changing table. not to mention that we never found the perfect (streamlined) orange shelf i wanted to hang with those amazing table lamps i found. so yeah. it's not done. pretty sure it will never actually be done. but who cares? she has been living in this room and loving it for two years. i'm getting real and posting the pictures of the "unfinshed" nursery bedroom.

from the cell phone earlier today...

her lovely Sparo organic crib. finding a crib that doesn't use formaldehyde glue was almost impossible. and nobody cares. found this one used in Manhattan. yay.

the unfinished tree wall. oh, and there is her changing table. the table that we never once changed her on in 2 years.
Anna's old bookshelf. lots of memories and love.
the little things.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Harlow likes to be called Georgie. it's, of course, after Curious George. she is smitten with monkeys. always has been. Curious George is the newest obsession in the love of monkeys. then, our favorite day care provider at the Y named her Georgie a few weeks back. and it stuck. my little Georgie. is it okay to change the name of a two year old? because i kinda like her as a Georgie. maybe, if we ever do this again, we just won't name the kid until 2. perfect.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

a few weeks shy of two - this is March

just a few weeks shy of two. so grown up. still so stinky. and so incredibly sweet/thoughtful/funny/cute/loving/and on and on and on.

she went pee pee on the potty twice the other night. the very first time at Jess, Shan, and Laura's apartment. then again when we got home. she was a late bloomer in the pee pee on the potty movement. i hope it sticks! she was a bit terrified but also pretty dang proud.

her personality gets funnier and funnier. she tells me my shoes/jewels/bags are GORGEOUS all the time. i think she is pretty dang goregeous myself.

we are besties that go out together a lot. in fact. we had sushi together, just us gals, twice last week. she is a highly entertaining conversationalist. plus, she shares her sake with me.

we're still pretty anal about her food. this kid eats like a king. although now and again we give her a wee bit of sugar. she had a little icecream sundae the other day for the first time. the funny part is that she was WAY more interested in the big kid cup of water than the actual icecream. i suppose we're doing something right in those regards. my coworkers make fun of me and say that she is going to be the odd kid out in school but i'm pretty sure in this neck of the woods the kids eatting crap foods are the odd kids out. privledged judgment much?

we finally got snow this month. funny. the idea of snow was much more exciting then the actuality of snow. poor kid.

what else? oh. this kid is happy. happy happy happy.

and handsome. she is pretty dang handsome. just like her Papa.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

so amazing - 21 months today!

my baby is 21 months old today. just three more months and she will be TWO. crazy town.

  • counts to ten like no big deal

  • sings her ABCs like a champ

  • sings other songs such as Twinkle Twinkle and The ChuChu Song so sweetly yet in such a show-off manner

  • says things like "love you more" when you tell her you love her

  • tells me "i busy" when she is playing and doesn't want to eat or bathe

  • dances to choreogrpahy that i create

  • has lay face down / lay down toddler tantrums

  • is always asking "mama/papa where are you?" when we're right next to her

  • hugs like no other (and even gets bitten by other children for it)

  • sleeps like a champ

  • dances amazingly solo as well as with friends and as a family, all hugging

  • travels incredibly well

  • handles change great

  • laughs infectiously

  • kisses freely

  • still signs words even though she can say all the words easily

  • "cooks" and "cleans" all the time

  • plays make believe

  • "reads" books out loud

  • is smart and pretty dang witty

  • is hilarious!

  • loves, loves, and loves

i'm sure there are a milliong other things that i am forgetting about how amazing Harlow is. i could never do her justice.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

the great gnome photoshoot

i made a gnome Halloween costume for Harlow. but since The Great Halloween Blizzard of 2011 made it so that we had no Halloween - we found another use for the costume. we did a little photoshoot one morning and then Papa photoshopped her into different locations (below). we then compiled those pictures into our holiday card this year. pretty dang cute as a gnome, eh? i think the Chicago one is my favorite with Vegas as a close second. Papa is partial to the snow gnome.