Thursday, November 3, 2011

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PUMPKINS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the Locke family held their 8th annual pumpkin carving party two weekends ago. good thing we did it before the freaking HALLOWEEN BLIZZARD of 2011. more on that later. back to pumpkin carving. this is a party we (Sue and Gwen) started having back in our Chicago days. in fact, here i am carving a pumpkin at our first ever carving party. whoa, that's a lot of pink, Sue.

the parties were a bit different back then - a lot more drinking, a lot later in the evening, and a bit more wild. they have expanded over the years to include a potluck of sorts that i like to call "The Harvest Feed." they have also become a lot more baby friendly in the last two years. good wholesome times.

regardless, here are some pics from our party two weekends ago. i didn't take pics until late in the day, so i missed a bunch of the guests.

a carving group.

Uncle Wolfie, the pumpkin king.

a picture of Hlow making her famous Hlow face.

PUMPKINS! hey, Alex, if you're reading this - you forgot your pumpkins!

this would be one of them artsy pictures...from inside the pumpkin.

and the evening ended with a roll on the ground with Daisy. look at those two, Oliver and Harlow. all grown up!

at night.

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