Tuesday, November 23, 2010

more teef and the world of standing

those two bottom teef are just adorable. i certainly forgot about the pain/crying that was associated with those two bottom teefs. until, that is, she started teething again. urgh. the top teefs are coming in now. did i really block out how bad the first set of teething was? that poor little thing. she is a hot mess - red cheeks, crooked smile, humming cries. i feel so bad for her. i just hope these top teef pop out soon!

in other news, she is what feels like days from walking. yeah, she is only 7m old now. but i swear - that girl is going to take steps on her own. she still has very little interest in crawling but she is getting closer. her standing is off the charts. two weekends ago she went from laying on her belly to standing without holding anythiing. our jaws were all on the ground. since then she has been trying to do it again...and coming very close. she has zero issues pulling herself up on anything, sitting back down, picking things up, and walking (slowly) along furniture. she is also getting pretty damn good at pulling herself up on things and then letting go and standing all alone for a solid 10 seconds or so. it's wild. she seems way too young to me but it is crazy fun to watch.

cousin, Benjamin, turned one last weekend. i cannot believe it has been a year already. he was sick for his party but Harlow had a delightful time.

oh, and here she doing all sorts of standing at our weekend trip to upstate NY two weekends ago.

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