i happened upon this blog that i have not updated since Harlow turned 2. which is great...since she is 3.5 now. i guess i got a little busy. is that what they call it when you work 50 hours a week + full time parent a toddler outside of that 50 hours + try to run a hobby clothing business on the side? yeah. i guess busy is the word. i would like to say that i will turn a new leaf and keep updating this for the sake of having a written history one day when Hlow is older. but, alas, i doubt i will actually do it. so let's just not even say it.
a lot has happened in the last year and a half. that about sums it up. Harlow is awesome. that about double sums it.
maybe i'll write more one day and maybe this is the last post ever. who knows/cares? :)
until those fates decide i leave you with this video made by Auntie Jesh. Hlow is in training.