we inseminated on July 18th in Barton VT. we were there for a week for Heather and Tin's 10 year anniversary and party. also known as the "yay! we'll probably be together forever" party. it was pretty much the most perfect week ever. so glad that that is when baby AshmanLisAshman was concieved. it was so wonderful to have our Chicago family there and have everyone's amazing energy. i also blaim Ida Rocket Zoomsai for us conceiving in the first place. she is just too darn cute. over a week of "camping", boating, dancing, flippy cup, ritual, love, nature, water, friends, and family made it the most perfect conception place of all time.
however, i also figured that there was no way i could possibly be pregnant considering that the sperm had to travel over 2,020+ miles to reach us. i also had a lot of cramping the week prior to finding it. then, on August 1st, the test was positive. maybe baby no more.
the due date is April 10, 2010. i'm not sure i'm going to last that long since i'm only 6 weeks in and i am already soooooo sick.
wish us luck! the long journey begins.